Tip Tuesday - How can I get the attention of a super busy CEO or Influencer on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Jul 09, 2019

If you're looking for the CEO of LinkedIn, and you wanna have a relationship with the CEO of LinkedIn, chances are, through the LinkedIn platform it's gonna be very hard to build an actual relationship with the CEO of LinkedIn because he has almost 10 million followers and gets tons of solicitations. What I like to do is, I like to see who else people are also looking at. I like to find who their assistants are, and I like to email them, contact them, maybe through Twitter, maybe through Facebook, maybe through other platforms where they're not as busy and you can actually get through to them. If you have an influencer who's really, really a celebrity on one platform, chances are, they're not such a big celebrity on another platform, and you can actually access them, or access their assistants through another platform. It's relatively easy to get his email address, so I would say I'd rather email him than send him a message or try to connect with him on LinkedIn.


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Tip Tuesday - How can I get ideas for things to post on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Jul 02, 2019

How can I get ideas for things to post on LinkedIn? I see that you post all the time and I'm wondering where you get this constant flood of never ending ideas for your LinkedIn feed. Is it just because you are an Ideator?


The more you do something, the better you become at it. I happen to be an Ideator because I prioritize ideation and coming up with ideas. I used to have a really hard time coming up with ideas and then I learnt how to brainstorm for content. I learnt that if I want to ideate there are actually three steps to ideate like a pro and I actually wrote an article about it, about how to do this, and for me it's about making sure that I prepare before I write content. So before I did my 15 second motivation videos I came up with a list of 50 of them, 50 different videos by asking myself questions. I first put myself into a brainstorming mode, which means I'm getting ready, I'm creating a structure and I go for volume, and once I brainstorm, which is separate than...

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Tip Tuesday - Does it matter if you post to LinkedIn from your phone or from a desktop computer?

tip tuesday Jun 25, 2019

Does it matter if you post to LinkedIn from your phone versus your laptop versus a tablet? Does the exposure of your post change?


I have seen that when I post videos from my phone, the videos get more views than when I'm posting them from my desktop, but I don't know if that's necessarily a fact. It might be based on the video, based on the time of the day. I haven't see a correlation between posting from your phone and posting from your computer. I think that people should mix it up. They should post sometimes from their phone, sometimes from their computer, sometimes from a automation tool like Buffer or like Hootsuite and they should mess around with it and sometimes, I post the same thing to test out and there isn't really much of a difference but I know that when I post from my phone, I'm on the go, and I like posting all the time. My thing is post as often as you can post and you'll get the exposure that you need. So, for me, it's about posting more frequently.

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Tip Tuesday - Can I REALLY Get Results from LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Jun 18, 2019

Getting results from LinkedIn is all based on having a business goal. Most people don't get results from marketing because they want to make as much money as possible from everybody and anybody, they don't have a competitive advantage, they don't have messaging set up, and so they don't have a good product to sell.

LinkedIn is a tool, just like anything else. You have to have the right strategy in order to be successful.

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Tip Tuesday - How can I search WITHIN Groups in LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Jun 11, 2019

In this video we answer the following question:

Can you advise if there is a way to search for members of a group I belong to using Sales Navigator please. I have a basic idea of how to search for leads or accounts, but not how to isolate this search within a specific Group?

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Tip Tuesday - Should I get LinkedIn Premium?

tip tuesday Jun 04, 2019

Is LinkedIn Premium worth the investment, or should I just keep the free version?

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Tip Tuesday - How to find content relevant to you on LinkedIn

tip tuesday May 21, 2019

The default feed on LinkedIn is full of irrelevant garbage. How can I find and engage with content that will further my purpose for using LinkedIn?

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Tip Tuesday - How can I add or remove interests from my profile on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday May 14, 2019

How can I add or remove interests from my profile on LinkedIn?

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Tip Tuesday - What is the best way to share articles on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday May 07, 2019

How can I best share articles that I have written on LinkedIn? I noticed that when I write an article, it doesn't get a ton of traction on LinkedIn. Do you find the same thing?


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Tip Tuesday - What is the best way to share a video on LinkedIn?

tip tuesday Apr 30, 2019

I want to share a video on LinkedIn. What's the best way to share it? Should I share the YouTube link in a post, or should I upload the video directly to YouTube?

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